Questions, comments or suggestions?

Questions, comments or suggestions?
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please let us know! Maybe your question has been asked before. Take a look at our Tips and Advice page. If your question is not on this list, please contact us.
You can reach us by phone during office hours (from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm) and Friday (from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm) at (+31)492-351236 or leave a message via the email

Please always include the expiration date and item number of the product you have a question or comment about.
Company data

Lucky Birds
Beekerheide 24
5741 HC Beek en Donk
Tel. 0031 492-352513
Chamber of Commerce 16046408
VAT no. 802402446B01
IBAN Account NL13 RABO 0310 8434 99 / BIC RABONL2U  

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